Research studies have not been able to prove that there is clearly a direct correlation between fat content in food and risk factors that lead to all forms of breast cancer; however, junky food has been proven to be a risk factor that may increase the chances of breast cancer in post-menopausal women. The exact function of high-fat foods in the development of breast cancer is still under further investigation also due to its contributory role in many other illnesses. It is advisable to stay away from high fat content foods for several reasons that include decreasing cholesterol levels that harm the body and maintaining a healthy diet to help control one's weight and overall health. Unregulated consumption of high-fat foods can lead to obesity and the presence of unhealthy fats in the body can contribute to estrogen production outside the ovaries which can prompt the development of breast cancer.

There has been a noticeable increase in the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer each year, but the mortality rate is significantly decreasing. Some reasons for this phenomenon comprise the enhanced availability and nature of resources for treatment and early detection of tumors through both breast self-examination and various technologies including mammography.
It is true that there are many risk factors that can contribute to a woman's susceptibility of developing breast cancer, yet this does not mean that if a woman exhibit one of these risk factors she will necessarily have the illness. In some cases women may have one or more of these risk factors but never actually develop breast cancer, while the majority of women living with the disease did not exhibit any of these warning signs. Being aware of the risk factors of breast cancer causes women to pay more attention to their body's conditions, and to have routine medical check-ups which will pave the way for early detection of tumors.
Based on a great deal of epidemiological data and various scientific studies, it is certain that breast cancer is not passed from person to person like an infectious disease. Contagiousness has nothing to do with genetic mutations or inheritance patterns of disease. Like other forms of cancer, breast cancer is the result of unnatural cell division producing extra cells that amass to form a growth or tumor.
Women with a family history of breast cancer have a bigger chance of developing it than average people. Since risk factors does not cause the cancer, a woman with a family history of the disease does not imply that she will certainly develop breast cancer. A majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer never had any close relatives (mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, aunt etc.) affected by the disease. It is thus important for all women to have routine screenings and women with a significant family history of the disease should have a mammogram done every three years.
A mammogram is basically an X-ray picture of the breast region. The pressure from the X-ray machine on the breast area can NOT cause the spread of the cancer in the body. Any woman getting a mammogram done should follow the specialist's instructions exactly but should also feel free to ask any questions and express any concerns.
Although as a woman gets older her risk of developing breast cancer increases, this does not mean that women at younger ages can not develop the disease as well. Advanced forms of breast cancer are perpetuated by late detection of tumors, failure to utilize methods of early detection such as breast self-examination, and the neglection to seek immediate medical help after discovery of an unnatural lump in the breast.
If you find abnormal lumps, infections, or any irregularities during your breast self-examination, you should immediately consult a specialist doctor. It is possible that the detected irregularities are not cancerigenous; however only a specialist doctor can identify and determine its nature. Sometimes women may avoid seeking immediate help from healthcare facilities as they are afraid of what they might discover. You should be responsible for your own health through breast self-examination, routine visitations to a specialist doctor and undergoing routine mammography. By taking a proactive approach to your health, you can control and increase your chances of early detection and curability.
Statistics in the United States of America have shown that women are only more susceptible to the disease than men, for every 135 cases of breast cancer in women, one man is diagnosed. Men should also take a proactive approach to their breast health to encourage early detection and curability if irregularities are present.
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